Looking to take your next step at SYCAMORE HILL CHURCH?
Whether you’re new or you’ve been here for years, we’d love to help you get connected.
Whether you’re new or you’ve been here for years, we’d love to help you get connected.
Maybe you have visited in-person a few times or have been joining us online. We’re glad you’re here and we’d love to hear from you. We’ve created an online connection card that will allow us to get to know you a little bit better and answer any questions you may have.
Staying informed about what’s going on in the life of our church is an important step in feeling connected. Subscribe to receive weekly emails and important updates.
We have several Bible studies and prayer hours that meet during the week to keep those who feel more comfortable at home connected to other members of the church. Click below for more information on current classes and studies.
Living with a Kingdom focus
Intercessory prayer
Fellowship that's real
Engaging in God's word together
Life Groups are small groups who meet throughout the week to live life together. These groups focus on fellowship and the building of deeper relationships. Life Groups provide individuals the opportunity to gather, worship, pray, and serve in a casual and interactive environment. Life Groups are both geographically and stage-of-life based small groups that meet throughout the week both in people’s homes and here at the church.
Unlike membership in an organization or club, membership in the church is viewed from the perspective of the body as described in scripture (1 Corinthians 12:12-37).
To be a candidate for membership, a person must be a believer in Jesus Christ, who has been baptized following his or her profession of faith, and who wholeheartedly believes in the Christian faith as revealed in the Bible. More specifically, the responsibilities of members are summarized within the Sycamore Hill Church Membership Covenant. Individuals will be received into membership by congregational approval.
If you call Sycamore Hill Church ‘home’ we’d love to come alongside you toward membership. The following steps describe the typical process:
A Newcomers Lunch and personal meeting with an Elder or Pastor. At this meeting we will to get to know you and pursue like-mindedness around the Gospel and our faith. At this meeting, we can discuss personal matters and particular questions about our church or membership.
2. Become a Member through Baptism or Faith Statement
3. Affirmed at a Members Meeting
If you have any questions about becoming a member, please contact