Sunday mornings at 10:15 am.
Come as you are and enjoy fellowship before the service at 9:45 am.
If you have any further questions about gathering, please contact the church office.
9:45 Am Fellowship time
Join us in our Fellowship Hall, for a time for gathering and greeting one another over coffee, tea (and sometimes hot chocolate!) as we prepare to share in our time of worship together.
10:15 am - Worship & Teaching
Join us in the Worship Center for our primary time of teaching and worship. Additionally, Kid’s Church takes place on the second and fourth Sundays of the month. We do not have an infant/toddler nursery right now. The setting for our service is casual dress.
As a campus located in an urban setting of Wilmington, we:
1. Seek to learn and understand the deep issues of the city.
2. Sensitively instruct on topics especially relevant to the urban environment.
3. Disciple people to help meet the needs of the urban setting.
4. Offer worship experiences that reflect the many cultures of the city.
5. Prioritize service and mission resources toward the needs of the city.
A Note from pastor duane
The Hill is a community of believers, actively growing, spreading, and maturing God‘s Kingdom in Wilmington, Delaware. Having recently settled into the ministry space at 2900 N. Van Buren St., our church family and I count it a privilege to serve this community with faithfulness, integrity, and a spirit of fellowship. As Pastor, it is my heart to walk alongside you and this community as we connect with God—and with one another—with biblical intention. I joyfully welcome you to join us on this journey and hope that you will discover your part in it.
We look forward to meeting you!
In His Service,
Pastor DuAne A. Davis
Kid's Church offers ages Kindergarten - 6th grade lessons on loving one another and Jesus as we walk together through the Bible in stories, songs and activities. Kid’s Church currently takes place on the second and fourth Sundays of the month.
Save the Date for VBS 2024! Join us July 29 - August 2 from 9:00 am-12:15 pm every day. VBS is a fun-filled week of Bible stories, games, crafts, snacks and music!
Youth Group seeks to build intentional community in Christ, where each person in the group would know and be known by each other, and ultimately and hopefully, God. Currently, our formal meetings are paused, but students are always welcome to join with us on Sunday mornings.
If you have any additional questions, feel free to contact Pastor DuAne.
Life Groups
Life Groups are small groups that meet throughout the week in people’s homes and at the church. Life Groups provide individuals the opportunity to study God's Word, worship, pray, serve, and fellowship in a casual and interactive environment—all for the sake of God's Kingdom.
If you have any questions about Life Groups or are interested in joining one, please fill out the form here.