


OUr goal:

The Youth Ministry is committed to the spiritual growth of youth in 7th through 12th grade.  Youth Group events are wacky and fun, and spiritually significant at the same time! The Youth Ministry also sponsors monthly events, a winter retreat, and a summer missions experience for the youth.



Sunday Mornings | 10:30 am

Every Sunday morning, youth meet for Bible study during the 10:30 am service in the lower level rooms.

Important Note: If families are attending for one service, we highly encourage youth to attend worship service with them instead of coming to Sunday school.


Wednesdays | 6:45-8:30 pm

Every Wednesday we meet for Bible study, small group discussion, and a fun activity. We would love to have you — come any time!


Special Events

We have monthly events that are usually fellowship or service-oriented. We also have an annual weekend winter retreat as well as a week-long summer missions trip to Philadelphia.